IUI Treatment Helps To Treat Hostile Uterus

How IUI Treatment Helps To Treat Hostile Uterus

Parenthood is the most beautiful time in the life of a couple. The beauty of creating a union of two individuals into a tiny little human baby cannot be described in words. But unfortunately, due to hectic work-life and sedentary lifestyles, many couples face several issues in conceiving the baby naturally. Hence, they have to either undergo IUI Treatment or any other fertility-related treatments. But, one situation which definitely is an unwelcoming one is a Hostile Uterus. What exactly is a Hostile Uterus? Let us read more about it and its treatment. 

What is a Hostile Uterus?

A hostile uterus is a term or a word used when there is a female hormonal imbalance state. This further decreases the chances of pregnancy. Basically, this is one of the most common fertility problems experienced by women. In this, the environment or the condition within the uterus is inhospitable. The cervical mucus turns into a poor quality or insufficient for creating a friendly environment for sperm to move. 

How does a hostile uterus impact fertility?

The sperm has to go through complex paths to reach its place, where the egg will be fertilized to form an embryo. Several sperms enter a woman’s vagina during sexual intercourse. But, it is the healthy and strong sperm that make it to the egg present in the fallopian tube post ovulation. The sperm that are weak and abnormal get washed away via the cervix, fallopian tube, uterus, vagina, etc. Eventually, one that is fittest survives. 

If there is any alteration in the genital tract of women, then a healthier sperm will face issues in reaching the egg. In this, an abnormal cervical mucus will make it difficult for sperm to meet the egg and thereafter lower the chances of pregnancy. In fact, several couples are experiencing this problem, but due to a lack of awareness, they have no idea about such a condition as called Hostile Uterus. 

How can the problem of a hostile uterus be treated?

There are two procedures for treating the Hostile Uterus. They are Intrauterine insemination, or IUI and In-Vitro Fertilization or IVF. 

  1. Intrauterine insemination (IUI): 

In an intrauterine insemination treatment, the doctor injects sperm into the uterus. These sperms are injected by bypassing the abnormal cervical mucus barrier. Eventually, the negative effect of mucus is eliminated, and thereafter the sperm successfully meets the egg to get fertilized. This increases the chances of pregnancy. 

  • In vitro fertilization (IVF): 

The IVF procedure is also utilized for treating the Hostile uterus. Usually, IVF is performed when the couples are unable to conceive even after repeated attempts or the couple’s infertility needs to be treated. This treatment is also used for treating a hostile uterus. 


The situation of a hostile uterus can be treated if connected with the best IVF center in Mumbai or in any other center. But, one should connect immediately with a specialist doctor if you are unable to conceive.

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