Let’s be honest, it has been a great struggle to retain inner positivity throughout this pandemic. With so many changes taking place every day in the world, and little to no clarity about when we are going to return to normal life, the time we live in is hard to keep up with.
However, with desperation comes innovation. In times when businesses are suffering from an endless crisis, there are rare genius heads trying to come up with ideas that promote economic growth in a pandemic. While the coronavirus outbreak has hampered business operations of many companies, entrepreneurs and sharp minds have come up with ideas to promote innovative businesses and hacks.
Apart from these ideas, there are bigger names in the business industry that have not let the pandemic get hold of them. These businesses soon realized the importance of adapting new changes that have come with the pandemic in order to keep their boat sailing. These businesses include internet and cable TV service providers that have encountered surge in demand during the pandemic.
For instance, WOW cable TV and internet service provider in the United States has been providing its affordable service to its customers in a hard time. The WOW channel line up is an example of how you can provide great services at affordable rates to your customers and let your legacy run in times when everything else around you is suffocating.
Similarly, there are many other businesses that have adjusted in the pandemic and came up with new ideas and innovations to attract more customers and let their business run.
However, for the people who were waiting for the right and the ideal time to start their dream business, the pandemic is not going away any time soon. Even if the virus leaves the planet the fears and changes it had brought are yet to live for a much longer time. Therefore, instead, of waiting for things to turn normal it is time to invest your mind into thinking about ideas that can exist in a pandemic world.
If you are having a hard time thinking about businesses that can work in a pandemic stricken market, here are some of the essential tips to begin with:
Follow the Three R’s
When it comes to starting your dream business, especially in the not so idealistic time, you need to have your hands on the 3 R’s of the business world; rapid, recover, and revenue. According to McKinney, these three R’s in the business world help you make your business stronger, more stable.
To achieve this state in business you need to invest more carefully in your startups. For instance, make sure your business accelerates in the digital, tech, and analytical aspects. This is because without having a digital medium for your business you can not aim to prosper during the time of coronavirus.
Other than this, you need to keep a mind that focuses more on human force rather than selfish business needs.
Update How People Work
The coronavirus has taught the businessmen that it is important to keep an update of your human force more than your revenue to have a stable business. In a time of the pandemic, it is important for you to rethink how you will take your business forward.
For instance, you should understand the research being conducted in order to gauge how employees’ mental health has been affected in the current times. If you think that people working for you will work more productively in a remote working method then you have to facilitate them accordingly.
When it comes to facilitating your employees working from home, it includes given them assurance of how their health is important to you, giving them the right feedback, making sure they have proper work essentials, and also keeping in check with them every now and then.
Be Proactive
If you are someone who is privileged enough to spend time in your home during the pandemic you need to be wise in how you are consuming your time. While there is a good chance of you learning new instruments or making your life more happening by spending more time with your family, you should also spend some time thinking about the future of your business.