Easy High Protein Meals

Easy High Protein Meals

If you’re looking to lose weight, high protein meals are always recommended. They give you the energy you need to get through the day and can help you stick to your weight loss plan. In addition, when you’re looking to lose weight, you want to stay satisfied, so high protein meals are often recommended to help in this area. But do they work?

Yes, they do work. Using pantry staples like: rice, beans, and potatoes gives you the bulk you need to have a quick dinner. Most people don’t feel that having a “healthy” meal means having to eat a lot of comfort food. And really, who wants to feel that way after having a quick dinner?

Surprisingly, using pantry staples like these can be just as healthy as a quick dinner. Baked egg yolks are a good source of protein for a quick dinner. You can bake the egg without using any extra oil and have a healthy meal (though you may not want to use the extra oil if you are following a low calorie diet). For the salad, you can use any low calorie dressing like balsamic or ranch dressing to reduce your calories.

Chicken is another one of the more popular choices for a quick dinner. Depending on how much you eat and how often, you may find that you can consume your protein and fatty acids throughout the day by using this food choice. With chicken you can bake, broil, or fry your chicken with little to no fat. Plus, one pan of well cooked, flavorful chicken goes great in the slow cooker in the mornings when you don’t have time to stew or bake.

Peas are another great option to help you get more protein into your diet. They are very low in fat and can be used in a variety of different ways to create a hearty, healthy meal. Because they come in such a wide variety of flavors, people often find themselves picking a favorite. Often times a serving of peas will be greater than a serving of pasta because of their hearty flavor. Using peas as a part of a hearty, low carb, high fiber meal can be a real comfort food when you have little time and don’t want to go out to dinner.

Eggs are also a great meal choice when you are looking for an easy high protein meal. The best eggs are those that come from free range chickens that are organic and free from antibiotics. Using eggs is an easy high protein choice if you aren’t concerned about the cholesterol and are looking for a quick and easy meal. You can find many recipes online that call for a scrambled egg as a starter or an accompaniment to nearly any meal. This makes the meal even more versatile because you can be as creative as you like.

Another fast and easy high protein meal is chicken enchilada. This is a fantastic choice for a Sunday night meal. All you have to do is cook some tortilla chips and then saute some boneless, skinless chicken breast on top of the chips in the skillet with some refried beans and your enchilada will be ready to enjoy. When preparing your chicken enchilada, be sure and use high quality ground beef, chicken, and vegetables. If you are using store bought chicken, make sure you leave the skins on so the sauce doesn’t dry out the natural ingredients.

Of course, another favorite comfort food is baked chicken parmesan. Baked chicken Parmesan is one of the easiest of all high protein meals to prepare and is ideal for using pantry staples. It only needs to be seasoned and folded into quarters, rolled into sausage shapes, and fried in olive oil until crisp and golden. Then, just top with cheese and serve. This meal is good any time of day and is the perfect way to eat carbs around the house without getting bored.

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