Favorite Apps For iPad

Best Tips To Choose Your Favorite Apps For iPad

Every few days I was asked what the best iPad apps were and what my favorite iPad apps were. In fact, last May, I wrote about My 12 Favorite iPad Apps where I called 12 of the best iPad apps so I thought about revising the list to see if my favorites had changed. As expected, the best applications for iPad have evolved over time. For example, only three of the iPad’s 12 apps remained on my list of best iPad apps, including Kindle, Zinio, and Mail.

# 12 Starting with number 12, iBooks makes the best iPad worldfree4umovie app list. The only and only reason IBooks made my favorite list of iPad apps is that iBooks provides an excellent interface for storing and reading PDF files.

After you have used many PDF files including the famous GoodReader for iPad, the best way to store iBooks for PDF files that display the PDF cover in library view and the ability to sync via iTunes or attached to an e-mail you open and send to the iBooks application and these features make iBooks One of the best apps on the iPad.

There are some features in iBooks that I do not use, including the fact that iBooks provides access to Apple’s iBookstore, allowing you to download and read the latest books and classical music. In addition, you can take notes, highlight clips in your eBook, and use the AirPrint application to print a PDF file with your embedded notes.

# 11 My next best app for iPad and latest obsession / time sink is Words for Friends HD. If you have not heard of Word for Friends, you should be the only one! Words with Friends HD is a crossword game (I think Scrabble) that is played socially against friends with NewToy company account. While there is an iPhone application for words with friends, the larger screen from the iPad allows a better view across the entire tablet allowing me to smoke my opponent!

# 10The iPad app on your iPad’s favorite apps list is one of the best iPad apps for kids available and my favorite iPad app for my 4-year-old daughter. DressUpBaby provides an intuitive and simple interface for my 4 year old daughter using cute characters and funky clothes and accessories. I receive random clothes via email from my daughter using the camera function on one of her most important iPad apps.

# 9 The following on the list of best iPad apps is also an iPad productivity application. Remeter is a Virtual Network Computing (VNC) client for iPad that offers the ability to effectively control the desktop over the network from an iPad. The client has been used to control both Windows and Mac devices, but VNC will also work with many UNIX flavors. This app saved me a lot of times while I was out but I needed something to do, which makes it one of the best iPad apps.

Whistle # 8 turns your iPad into a conference phone over a network that makes this app my best iPad app. I used Whistle as a client for Asterix PBX, a third-party SIP service) that allows me to make a call from the Office wherever I have an Internet connection. Whistle provides integration with my contacts (synced with the Google cloud) and with the latest iOS uploaded, I can track calls in the background while still using the iPad. The speaker works surprisingly, but Whistle supports Apple headphones allowing you to answer calls using the center button. This app is your business and is one of my best productivity apps for iPads that provide a business tool to work effectively.

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