Actor Rishi Kapoor Contact details, Address of the house, Biodata, Social

Actor Rishi Kapoor Contact details, Address of the house, Biodata, Social

Actor Rishi Kapoor Contact details, Home address, Biodata, Social-including Management Desktop address, manager / secretary / booking agent Telephone number, WhatsApp and personal number are available here. If you are looking for the Rashi Kapoor coordinated actor and other information as Rishi Kapoor Biography, such as family, career, marriage, education, height, etc. So, from here, you can get all this.

Rishi Kapoor Bio Data:

Rishi Kapoor is an actor of the Indian film actor. He was born on September 4, 1952 in Chembur, Mumbai, Maharashtra, India. His real name is Rishi Raj Kapoor and nickname is chintoo. It belongs to Indian nationality and religion of Hinduism. The name of his father is late Raj Kapoor, an actor and filmmaker of profession and mother is Krishna Kapoor, a woman at home of profession. Rishi Kapoor marries Neetu Singh, and they have children like Ranbir Kapoor (sound) and Riddhima Kapoor Sahani (daughter). It has been active in the film industry since 1955. The first film of Rishi Kapoor was “Shree 420” in 1955. There is a list of Rishi Kapoor Films: Mera Naam Joker, Zehreela Insaan, Chala Murari Hero Bane, Anjane Mein , Katilon Ke Kaatil, love ke chakkar mein, Namastey London, Chintu Ji, Kal Kissne Dekha, Jab Tak Hai Jaan, Besharam, everything is fine, Kapoor & Sons, Patel Ki Punjabi Shaadi, Rajma Chawal, etc.

How to get actor information Rishi Kapoor Contact

It has millions of fans and they always try to find the actor Rishi Kapoor details, including management, personal secretary, booking agents or social communities on the Internet. Sometimes fans, promoters, organizers and other ordinary people want to organize an event and want to invite their favorite celebrity there. But they do not know how to invite Rishi Kapoor for marriage, events and charity, how to contact Rishi Kapoor agents for a reservation, as well as how to contact Rishi Kapoor for donations.


Actor Rishi Kapoor Coordinates

Now, from there, you can check all the coordinates and ways to reach the actor for any type of help, support and a fan. Here you can consult the management team, the coordinates of the Foundation, the personal coordinates, the personal secretary, the booking agents, as well as the social identifiers, the website, the blogs, etc.


Actor Rishi Kapoor Management Contact Details:

Office address: NA

Office phone number: na

Rishi Kapoor Manager Phone Number: NA

Rishi Kapoor Booking Agent Phone Number: NA


Actor Rishi Kapoor Personal Contact Details:

Home City: Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Current location: Mumbai

Residence House Address: Krishna Raj, 27, Pali Hill, Bandra (West), Mumbai

Rishi Kapoor Phone number: (He did not share his personal telephone number with anyone because of privacy)

Rishi Kapoor WhatsApp Number: (He did not share your WhatsApp issue with anyone because of privacy)

Rishi Kapoor Email ID: NA

Rishi Kapoor website: NA

Social accounts to contact with actor Rishi Kapoor:

Do not worry if you have not found any information because of privacy. But you always contact him through the Rishi Kapoor Instagram accounts, the Facebook Rishi Kapoor account, the Rishi Kapoor Twitter account and its other social accounts. You can also comment or send a message out there to reach if they allow you.

Facebook: na


Instagram: na

As you checked above, actor Rishi Kapoor coordinates, address of the house, biodata, social, including whatsapp number, personal telephone, management, booking agent, as well as on the website and social profiles. If you face any type of problem with aforementioned information, you can tell us.

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