Your first hospital job is the most exciting thing you have ever done in your life. You are now a member of the medical profession and the beginning of a long career as a doctor. The hardest part about the first job is knowing what to expect. There is so much that can go wrong with your first hospital experience. For this reason, there should be no surprises when it comes to getting started. Make sure you know exactly how the workday will run before starting. Here are 3 easy tips that will help make things easier.
- Know Where You Will Work
Before starting at a new hospital, find out where you will be working. It is very important that you know which unit or department you will be in because this will always determine who you meet and talk to. You want to get a feel for the culture of the different departments. The way they do things helps you better understand why certain patients come and go from their care. Also, if you don’t know where you’ll be working, you might not know which ward or floor you’ll be on. This could leave you feeling anxious and frustrated by being in an environment that doesn’t seem home. You also need to know who is responsible for each type of patient you may encounter and what they care about. To meet every patient’s needs, you need to know who does what.
Know the attire required, such as high waisted scrubs and shoes worn inside, and which hospital areas require a dress code. This will keep the other staff members calm since they won’t be able to see you in street clothes.
- Be Proactive and Show Up Early
There are 2 types of people in hospitals: those who show up early and those who don’t. By showing up early, you establish yourself as someone who takes responsibility and shows them respect. If you wait until the last minute, you will likely look overwhelmed and stressed out. To avoid this situation, arrive 30-45 minutes earlier than normal. That way, you have time to familiarize yourself with what you need to learn. Once you’ve arrived, ask about when others show up and when breakfast starts. Knowing these details will help you plan accordingly and save time. It is fine to ask questions; don’t hesitate. But remember, if you don’t know something, then say, “I don’t know, but I will try my best to figure it out.”
Start learning the rules as soon as possible. Getting settled into your area and talking to your coworkers is important. Ask them all kinds of questions to ensure you know everything you need to know. Don’t worry if some of the answers aren’t clear right away. Just ask again later if needed. Having knowledge makes you appear more confident and approachable. When you speak up, you’ll sound much less nervous and have confidence.
- Get Ready for the Day
You should never show up to work in a panic. Even though it’s common to be anxious before you begin a new job, you should already feel relaxed once you walk into the building. Take 5 deep breaths before entering the building to get centered, and tell yourself, “This is the day I’ve been waiting for.” No matter how busy or tough your first week at a new hospital is, you will still have plenty of opportunities to practice patience. Being ready the moment you enter the door will allow you to maintain a professional demeanor while meeting new people quickly.